To work on porcelain stoneware, the Maxima Cer PINK has been chosen from a lot of professional users. It is the best seller diamond blade in Italy and the first in history with a 1,2 mm (0,47 in) thickness: it allows an easy, quick and accurate cutting.
Cer PINK was also an “influencer” of its category: many producers have coloured in pink their discs, as the professional users see pink as the official colour of diamond blades for porcelain stoneware.
Due on the arrival on the market of different types of porcelain stoneware and large slabs, Maxima has improved his range of professional diamond blades for stoneware with the Cer PINK PREMIUM and the Cer AMARANTH.
These new versions of “pink”, always with 1.2 mm (0,47 inches) of thickness, have an innovative design of the diamond crown and they can grant the best performance in terms of accuracy, speed and durability, even on marble, granite and new materials like Dekton, which is difficult to treat but already widely spread abroad in outdoor and indoor flooring projects.
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